the other big news

The other big news I have been holding off on making fully public is my decision to become Anglican.

Some of you already know this, and some of you have probably sensed it, but at this stage in my life, I no longer feel like the Wesleyan Church is the place for me.  So, as of a couple weeks ago, I announced to them that I would be going the way of the Anglicans, and I was also enrolled in preparations for confirmation.

This decision was a long and interesting one, as I have been weighing both the pros and cons of the shift.  Though my main Wesleyan ministry experience was not a good one, I have been assessing how I view things both here in the States and abroad (i.e., Australia), and though overseas is more promising, I just can't invest in the Wesleyan denomination in the US at this time.  There are generally two realms of thought on these matters: stick with a denomination and attempt to be an agent of change, or slip out gracefully and possibly reinvest later.  After two years, I have decided that the second is the best option for me.  I am in no way burning bridges with the Wesleyan Church; I may indeed return one day.  But historically, ecclesially, and sacramentally, at the present, I am Anglican.

Usually at this point in my explanation to people someone will inevitably bring up the whole Henry VIII thing..."How can you put confidence in a church founded on divorce?"  The short answer is, I don't, because the Anglican Church wasn't founded on a divorce.  Yes, that was a political impetus for formal separation from Rome, but that wasn't the beginning of the Anglican Church.  Look here and here for a couple quick reference sites.

I'm definitely open to dialog on these decision, so if you have questions, feel free to fire away.


Ben said...

I'll claim it. That "church founded on divorce" comment totally came from me, though you have helped me see the error of my ways.

I still don't fully buy the catholicity argument though. But then again I'm a protestant (for the time being) and that's not a huge issue for me. =)

Glen O'Brien said...

Sad to hear this Charles for somewhat selfish reasons. For one thing the Wesleyan Church needs all the sacramentalists we can get. Would love to talk face to face about this sometime.

Unknown said...

I, too, will be taking a little break from the Wesleyan church, for similar reasons. My primary background has been Methodist, but I haven't been tied to a single denomination. I hope that someday our church history will start shifting toward "renomination".