2 easy ways to save money

If you're in school and money is tight - and you're a guy - there are two easy ways to save money.

1. Grow your hair out.  Yes, you might look like Keith Green, but hey, it's warmer.  Unless your wife cuts your hair, getting a haircut costs money.  So don't cut it!

2. Grow a beard.  If you're like me and you can't use an electric shaver because of sensitivity issues, grow a beard!  Razor blades are stinkin' expensive; so don't buy them, shag it out, and complete the Keith Green look.  It works for me! (Though my wife might disagree...)


Jake Belder said...

I did that last year as a way to save money. As for number 2, though, if you know how to properly navigate the CVS coupon/extra-care bucks system, you can get razors for free. I have a drawer full of them (probably 20) which I didn't pay a cent for. And just the single blade cheap ones either.