a sort-of apology; or, an apology of sorts

I realize I haven't blogged anything noteworthy in a long time, and that's primarily because of schoolwork.  However, there are two things I want to mention quickly:

1. Since I am mostly through with my application to Durham (need to finalize my proposal), I'm turning my attention to publishing.  My major paper for Exegesis of General Epistles, as I mentioned a while ago, went over quite well with my professor.  Today we met to talk about a few editorial changes (including a source I need to read), and also about the process of publishing.  We found a few journals that my article might be a good fit for, so now I just need to do a bit of research and decide who to submit to.  One thing I didn't realize is that you never want to submit the same article to more than one journal at a time, because apparently if two or more journals want to use the article, the one(s) you snub will not be too pleased about it, and it could damage your reputation.  So the name of the game is patience.

2. I write a lot of critical reflection papers as a seminarian, and though many of the books wouldn't interest any of you, I've decided that I want to start posting smallish reviews here on the blog, in order to give you something meaty to read when I have nothing else interesting to say.  So look for those coming soon.


Unknown said...

That's funny... Article submission to legal journals is precisely the opposite. You submit to dozens of journals simultaneously and then go with the best offer. It's probably because law journals are student edited so professors don't care about wasting labor.